Namecoin NFT Explorer



Data: reserved

Domain: bitcoin.bit

TxID: 5b5bd269649629d5bdae5053da1d3f1ef70e95a5da3772d38b84bb34073fe0cc

Address: nc1qkfknqr7yrfyxp7r6kqf36h7q5kkgf0ssn745ss

Confirmations: 795

Last update at block: 741571

Thursday 17th of October 2024 05:10:57 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Thursday 17th of October 2024 07:10:57 (Your local time)

Block hash: 8c682c9dffe8959e0104612b95df5a4e50ef820b4fdab4dbea98a47a5da97f6c

First registered at block: 142

Thursday 21st of April 2011 05:44:30 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Thursday 21st of April 2011 07:44:30 (Your local time)

Active (35206 blocks to go)

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