Basic Namecoin Explorer




Domain: anarchos.web3

TxID: 9f5c6b9e81100c32d547001ba400f7fee2f8c43d3c71dab575ceda8d0c24f33b

Address: nc1qyqu7tgllg6nxv3x4z4sf9h3cuezu6nc5z34qhn

Confirmations: 28798

Last update at block: 700618

Tuesday 9th of January 2024 16:28:57 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Tuesday 9th of January 2024 17:28:57 (Your local time)

Block hash: 58ccd10dd6386519cf18f88ca442f5e911e6569c7518eb31a4b039f656ba7270

First registered at block: 154418

Tuesday 31st of December 2013 19:18:10 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Tuesday 31st of December 2013 20:18:10 (Your local time)

Active (7203 blocks to go)

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