Basic Namecoin Explorer




Domain: archaeologist.web3

TxID: ccbc5661ee5020ae3ef7d1b4612a0a4c8a1694ba43d5c8176ff0131ce84b2026

Address: nc1qlu3t5gfmccyy2tr2y4g7702zsgffzlhsdpxq9p

Confirmations: 31194

Last update at block: 698224

Sunday 24th of December 2023 12:05:12 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Sunday 24th of December 2023 13:05:12 (Your local time)

Block hash: 6d526ef9f245a58b1a401d2d128d8f1e94cc9ec9c21c2b12fc8417210ef96c15

First registered at block: 626693

Thursday 25th of August 2022 07:49:58 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Thursday 25th of August 2022 09:49:58 (Your local time)

Active (4807 blocks to go)

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