Basic Namecoin Explorer




Domain: arianna.web3

TxID: 783b64070922fe3f35ca5ab4473ceb15d6797ef59bf9b2a158293953ca8cb41c

Address: nc1qfw2kgdw4uc8lkqlkmwv6f97e7pjkkurjlq4v5k

Confirmations: 28131

Last update at block: 701267

Saturday 13th of January 2024 17:21:04 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Saturday 13th of January 2024 18:21:04 (Your local time)

Block hash: 312e330b89db6242c8b2a3c20fabb57b8c58751ade90bb19d8a99b82c4f6173f

First registered at block: 200157

Thursday 9th of October 2014 03:02:17 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Thursday 9th of October 2014 05:02:17 (Your local time)

Active (7870 blocks to go)

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