Basic Namecoin Explorer




Domain: james_walker.union

TxID: f79d41eea01206bdae321d9e027be22ec51782a87da87c37f93c7ffb3c9dbd7f

Address: nc1qjkvptn798h0rn70htsj8jgsc8le0qgqgczn83k

Confirmations: 6088

Last update at block: 723327

Friday 14th of June 2024 04:04:50 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Friday 14th of June 2024 06:04:50 (Your local time)

Block hash: 5bcb0876652729cf58c0362a6d8b4b8e013c50eaf5becaa4f5e487adca5fc9dc

First registered at block: 186532

Saturday 12th of July 2014 08:08:11 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Saturday 12th of July 2014 10:08:11 (Your local time)

Active (29913 blocks to go)

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