Basic Namecoin Explorer




Domain: julianassange.union

TxID: de37e0c72de93d2977129327f4207f45eda555626e900632a979b8542e1271e5

Address: nc1q4aw7lna2v4j3wh2u9yx5dwupdur4w747h7u6hz

Confirmations: 8763

Last update at block: 720666

Sunday 26th of May 2024 04:09:25 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Sunday 26th of May 2024 06:09:25 (Your local time)

Block hash: 3155255bb5f4659497b6898af10ed2460cad70770792997d64c124cad340c1da

First registered at block: 166458

Tuesday 11th of March 2014 19:09:35 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Tuesday 11th of March 2014 20:09:35 (Your local time)

Active (27238 blocks to go)

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