Namecoin NFT Explorer




Domain: alexa.web3

TxID: 14f1eb5348343d88bbdcb099b4a5a3db8f4fa2d1a117fed59a9cb6842e3debfb

Address: nc1qd5k5yxk2sad47l0wj25jq83tqgqgg5v55qdzqd

Confirmations: 7704

Last update at block: 734012

Tuesday 27th of August 2024 04:26:14 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Tuesday 27th of August 2024 06:26:14 (Your local time)

Block hash: fa78dbe41b3c49bd1cc12dac091d63e7641d2899786624803b702d5a36ed448b

First registered at block: 591455

Saturday 25th of December 2021 05:32:11 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Saturday 25th of December 2021 06:32:11 (Your local time)

Active (28297 blocks to go)

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