Namecoin NFT Explorer




Domain: anonymous.web3

TxID: 95232ad402fc6f298523a636510211b753c72dcfded1e4af07598c8151efdefc

Address: nc1qtwxaemvmf6jmucas64l6m030ap4c92gqlxw83t

Confirmations: 23385

Last update at block: 718335

Thursday 9th of May 2024 17:20:26 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Thursday 9th of May 2024 19:20:26 (Your local time)

Block hash: 70b13825a48857507ebab12f8ac78ea911557c17d10fb6dcd36df4acecfa8dcf

First registered at block: 154896

Friday 3rd of January 2014 13:44:32 (GMT/UTC) ▪ Friday 3rd of January 2014 14:44:32 (Your local time)

Active (12616 blocks to go)

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